Desierto | Tacna, Peru | 2008
Tacna is situated in the north of the Atacama desert in Peru. The desert served as a background and source of inspiration for this collaboration between theatre group Deçierto Picante from Tacna, Theatre Embassy from Amsterdam, artists from Latin America and Cascoland.
Portraits of participants and audience as publicity material for project ‘Desierto’. The photo’s had their effect on the community; they were used as flyer, as tv commercial, and the portraits of well known Peruans like this tv-presentator were used as billboards along the main road. This man was so popular that his image got stolen. He paid for a new print himself which turned out to be to small. The current mayor of Boca del Rio was in conflict with a lady who wanted to replace him, she accused him of corruption. So the mayor had her portrait replaced, which led to repercussions.